6 - bloke2

Time spent: ~3 hours

Tools used: Verilog and a lot of Random Luck™

Challenge 6 is the obligatory “weird-architecture” challenge that FLARE-ON typically does at least one of every year. You are presented with a folder full of verilog source code files. The description tells you it is implementing a variant of the BLAKE2 hashing algorithm. Your task is to find an input that spits out the flag as hash.

Honestly, I am not sure what the idea behind it was. For me, the flag just kind of appeared out of nowhere, and frankly, I have no idea why this was the solution.


The file structure is quite complicated and looks very foreign, especially for a person like me that has near zero experience with any hardware. There are a bunch of files that apparently implement a circuit of sorts.

Luckily the README had some guidelines, including the suggestion to use iverilog and the accompanied Makefile commands:

Looking into the Makefile and using the Received message: string as anchor point, I figured the _tb files are the test benches:

This clause is evaluated on every positive clock edge of the circuit. It prints the output message if the dout_end signal (presumably data output end) was observed. This is related to a… “function” (?) called hash_message that is defined right below it, which also waits for this signal:

Here we can see that we’re dealing with some important variables start, finish and din (presumably “data input”), which are used to reference input and output pins for our circuit.

Looking at where this hash_message “function” is… ehm… “called” (?), we can see some of the test inputs:

Cross referencing on these pins, we can figure out that these signals come from input and output pints of a circuit component called bloke2b:

bloke2b is nothing more than just an instance of the bloke2 component, with a bunch of hardcoded parameters:

The bloke2 component is very complicated. It consists of two more sub components. It has an f_unit which again consists of a collection of g_units, of which I have 0 clue what it does. The other component is called data_mgr which, presumably, manages data (who would’ve guessed!).

Getting the Flag … at Random?

At this point, I wasted a good amount of time trying to figure out what the exact differences were between BLOKE2 and the original BLAKE2 hash algorithm. Most implementations I found for BLAKE2 were written in C or other C-like languages, and cross-referencing it with Verilog, a language that doesn’t look anything like C nor I have any real experience with to begin with, is let me tell you a real pain.

But, after an hour or so of painful cross-referencing, it seemed like the f_units and g_units looked similar enough to their original code that I was pretty quickly convinced this is not the place to look for flaws.

I decided to look into data_mgr instead. And something weird stood out immediately. At line 64, a very weird TEST_VAL parameter is defined with a suspiciously looking hardcoded value:

localparam TEST_VAL = 512'h3c9cf0addf2e45ef548b011f736cc99144bdfee0d69df4090c8a39c520e18ec3bdc1277aad1706f756affca41178dac066e4beb8ab7dd2d1402c4d624aaabe40;

This variable only has one use, in a posedge clause defined right below it:

It is bitwise-AND with another variable tst, and then XOR’ed with the final BLOKE2 hash value. Some testing revealed that this tst pretty much always is set to 0, so I tried looking for the place where it would be set. A quick Ctrl+F reveals it is bound to an input pin finish:

I looked back at the test-bench, and just decided to set finish to 1, just to see what would happen.


start <= 1'b1;
finish <= 1'b1; // <-- set finish to 1 instead of 0.
@(posedge clk);
start <= 1'b0;
finish <= 1'b0;


And, all of the sudden the flag appeared?

Why did this work? No clue, but I’ll take it.

Final Words

The challenge has an interesting idea but the execution seemed poor.

I spent a good amount of time learning Verilog, getting stuck with “what are the differences between this and normal BLAKE2” and “how am I supposed to find an input for which the hash is a flag?”. But in the end, none of that mattered: All you needed was guess that one of the sample inputs was actually producing the flag when flipping one bit. As far as I can tell, there is basically zero indication that one of the test inputs should’ve been used. This set me back several HOURS of time, as I had changed the test inputs to something else. Not until redownloading the challenge again, in fear I had broken something while debugging and tracing everything, the flag apparead out of the blue.

… Just why?

In any case, this challenge made me feel like I wasted a lot of time learning things I didn’t need. I am kind of curious whether this was the intended solution. If it was then why make me learn all about Verilog? If it wasn’t, then maybe the challenge wasn’t tested properly?

I was very confused by this one.